Agricultural Cooperative of Fruits and Vegetables Mandalos - O.P.
Peaches, Nectarines & Apricots Edessa Pella

Mandalo is a village located in the prefecture of Pella. Previously, until 1928, it was called Mandalovo. The name Mandalo comes from the verb mandalono which means to secure-to bind. The community was founded in the village in 1931. The first agricultural production was wheat and later tobacco.
In 1934, the "Mandalos Agricultural Cooperative" was founded by the residents of the village who, in the five years 1980 - 1985, began the systematic planting of peach trees and abandoned traditional tobacco and wheat. They also cultivated apricots, olives and cherries to a lesser extent.
Today, after all these years, the agricultural production of the cooperative is based on peaches, nectarines and apricots, offering quality products from our place throughout Pella and in regions throughout Greece.